Custom Invitations | Early Summer Wedding | Charlottesville, VA

In 2020, I added a new offering to my services: custom wedding stationery. The idea of meshing calligraphy, typography, paper textures, print methods and ribbons excites me. Channeling those creative juices, I wanted to create a sample invitation that spoke to the aesthetic of Loria Letters while trying something different than what I was used to.

My first inspiration came from my talented sister - Caroline Nelson - who is a classically trained painter. She painted an incredible series of landscapes from life in Charlottesville, Virginia.


I have one of these beauties on my dining room wall. The colors, the textures and the soft lines of the mountains spoke to me.


So I dreamt up a couple - one that is modern yet appreciates the beauty of classical art - who was getting married at a vineyard in at the foot of the mountains. And the suite was born.


Caroline’s painting was printed as a backing for the vellum overlay which featured the wedding invitation itself. I opted for a simple reply card with a mid green envelope. The square detail card mirrors the square invitation.


A simple silver brad adheres the vellum overlay to the backing.


The heaviness of the gray velvet ribbon balances the delicate nature of the vellum overlay.


I am always a fan of a good envelope liner - even a simple monogram adds a personal touch.

I just love how all of the elements came together in this suite and I am secretly hoping that someone wants something just like this for their wedding :) If you loved my sister’s paintings, check out her website and her Instagram!

Interested in custom wedding stationery? Fill out our inquiry form to get in touch!